vendredi 1 juillet 2016

Alternative Earthcare & The Ant Species To Know

By David Kellan

Ants can build in your home for a number of reasons. Many of them stem from spilled food or drinks that haven't been cleaned, but the fact remains that these pests can cause problems. Alternative Earthcare and other companies would be hard-pressed to disagree, but you might be curious to learn what types of ants actually exist. For those who possess such a thirst for knowledge, here are just a few species you should be aware of.

Carpenter Ants - If there's one species that's the most common, of all ants, the carpenter variety might be the one that ranks highest. In the home, they're usually drawn to sweeter foods, which is where buildup begins. This is one of the many scenarios where companies like Alternative Earthcare will be brought into the picture. After all, their level of east end tick control can make all the difference in the world.

Pavement Ants - While it might go without saying, pavement ants can be found under hard, rocky surfaces. Their ability to move through cracks in the aforementioned pavement allows for buildup in the home. What this means is that you should focus on the source of these pests, so that you can eradicate the problem as swiftly as possibly. This is another situation where high-quality pest control can come into the picture.

Fire Ants - To say that fire ants are irritating would be an understatement. In fact, they are known to be deadly to other animals, feasting on them, not to mention target humans in general. While they are not native to North America, they seem to be prominent in southern United States. What this means is that if you feel like fire ants are starting to infest your home, you have to take care of the issue before it gets out of control.

Even though other species of ants exist - not only in your own backyard but in other areas of the world, too - these are perhaps the most common. You'll stumble upon these more than a few times outside, but this doesn't mean that they have to infiltrate your home. The most effective degree of lawn care and home maintenance in general will be needed. By keeping these methods in mind, ant control will be done to a higher level.

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