dimanche 27 août 2017

The Things You Should Know About Gardening MA

By Andrew Russell

If you want to have your own small garden and plant your own vegetables, and you have never been to planting, here are some helpful tips for you. Gardening MA experts can be found on a number of websites, and you can get more information about the types of plants that best suit your area of living, as well as the climate conditions.

The position of your garden is very important. Place it so that it gets enough sun during the day. Make sure that the water source is close enough to the garden. It would not be very practical if you have to stretch the hose to a remote place in the corner of the yard every time you need to water your garden.

If you are lucky enough to have a good quality soil, it will be much easier to start. This type of soil is crumbly, full of important nutrients, mostly dark and able to retain moisture. Sandy type is even more crumbly, but it doesn't contain good things, or is able to retain water. Hard soils might have nutrients, but are not crumbly enough, and roots cannot penetrate through. If you are not sure, simply ask some experienced gardener about it.

So, the perfect soil has to be crumble enough, to allow roots development, it has to retain moisture and has to contain adequate amounts of oxygen. There are several very good compost mixtures and some other amendments that can be added to improve the overall quality. The good drainage is also quite important.

Preparation works include turning the top layer of your plot with tiller. The plot should be cleaned of rocks and similar stuff, and the layer of compost should be spread on and tilled into the soil. Water the plot and leave it rest for a while. After a fey days, your plot will be ready for planting.

Some plants will work well in your area, and some will do better. Choose plants that are better suited to your climate zone and soil composition. By selecting quality fertilizers you can enhance the growth of certain types of plants. Choose organic fertilizers only. You can divide a garden into several parts and in each of these parts have a different composition, to enhance the growth of specific plants.

A month after planting, it is time to fertilize the plants. The simplest way to do this is to prepare a compost solution. In a big bowl, mix the compost and the water. Use the resulting solution to feed the plants in your garden.

In fall, you should plant cover crops such as peas, fava beans or simply clover on your plot. This will improve the quality of the soil for the next season. These plants add nitrogen to it and have other good qualities. When the spring comes, mow them down and till them in. Wait for a day or two, add some compost and till the plot again. Sprinkle with water, and in a day or two, you are ready to start a new season.

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