mardi 20 mars 2018

How To Achieve Excellent Mary Wray Photography Skills

By Sandra Ross

Taking pictures is not as simple as holding a camera and pressing capture. There is more to it. One must approach it with a determination to capture more than just the physical element. To tell a story. Mary Wray photography is an art. It is nuanced. It is simple and it is complicated. A professional understands how to use all this to produce a result that has all these factors in equal measure. That is not to say that the only person allowed to take pictures is a professional photographer. One can be an amateur and still produce great images.

In this era of technology, one can easily become an amateur photographer. A picture taken carefully and masterfully by phone can then be edited to convey the intended message. The cost of reproduction is low compared to previous times. That is not the only option available as one can find a great camera for the little. A camera that has the capacity to do most of what an expensive machine would. This matters very little, there are more important factors to look at.

This art form comes in varieties. It is classified by color, image, and other factors. There is black and white photography, which makes use of contours, lighting, and shadows to represent a subject.

This form of art must be approached with the highest degree of open-mindedness. To truly get the essence of the subject, one must clear their mind of all judgment. It is no use looking at something as good or bad then expect that not to be evident in the image. All subjects have energy. This energy is what makes for a great and revealing image. Some professionals advice one to stop using their eyes. One is advised to listen. Not listen with the ears but with the soul. How does one connect with the subject? What about the subject makes it worth a picture? What is that intrinsic quality that one just has to capture? See the story, not the object.

The person taking the picture is what matters. The picture will be a representation of the perception. For that reason, one must wait for the subject to come to him or her and not the other way around. The camera is only a means. One must apply all of them and not let distractions get in the way of that moment of connection with the subject.

One should take several shots before moving on to a different subject. This offers a pool of images to choose from. It also portrays changes in the subject. One can better understand the subject after looking at every single image. This will inform their choice. The same also offers an insight into the technique. It lets one know if there is a need for change or improvement.

One should aim for natural. Natural is beautiful. Natural leaves the vulnerability of the subject. It is important that one chooses the highest degree of natural possible. Natural smiles, lighting and even pose. Ever wondered why the most intriguing pictures are those of people out on the street walking lost in thought? Or those of people laughing seemingly unaware of the camera?

With passion and full commitment to the art, one can turn professional. There is need to learn a few technical details but these are mundane in the face of the importance of the human element.

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