mardi 10 décembre 2013

How To Get Rid Of The Flu Fast And Relatively Painlessly

By Tosh Caliberni

Oh, no, you'd got the flu and that truly is a drag. We'll resist the temptation to tell you all the things you could have done to avoid it and just jump right into finding a solution. When you're down under it, knowing how to get rid of the flu fast can be a real bonus. So here's our tips.

There are of course various medications you can get by prescription from your family physician. We're not M.D.s so won't presume to comment on your relationship with your medical professional. If that's the route you choose, probably best to be compliant with the treatment.

On the flu, particularly, though, I will just offer this one morsel of food thought for your consideration. Apparently, in recent years, medical anthropologists have been increasingly leaning toward an explanation for the terrible death toll of the 1918 flu pandemic that lays a good deal of the fault at the feet of the medical profession. It appears now that the virulence of the 1918 strain was dangerously aggravated by physicians prescribing mega-doses of aspirin. The extremely high dosages of aspirin would have caused patients' stomachs to bleed. This allowed the flu infection to penetrate their blood, leading to rapid death.

We're not saying that you should therefore only use natural remedies, but it is a thought to consider. Such physicians were doing their best under their existing state of knowledge, but when using potent pharmaceuticals, small mistakes can have big consequences. So, what else might you try?

If some of these suggestions sound a bit on the down-home side, don't be put off. Just because your mother or grandmother gave you the same advice doesn't mean it's not good advice. They did know a thing or two. First on the list, cheesy as it sounds, is the solid advice to get lots of sleep and drink plenty of liquids. Water is top of the list for best fluids to drink. Another important measure, not widely enough shared as it should be, is the need to keep clean. Warm showers are great both for providing symptom relief, such as soothing your aching muscles and clearing up bronchial passageways, but also for the benefit of reducing contagion. If you get everyone else in the house sick, who's going to make your chicken soup?

No one much enjoys a fever, but you should remember you have it for a good reason. Unless the body temperature gets up to 103 degrees, which can become dangerous, don't interfere to bring it down. Your fever is your body's immune system battling the flu. Suppressing the fever is just a unilateral disarming of your immune system in its battle to protect your health. That wouldn't seem smart. Humans wouldn't have survived this long without evolving an effective means of flu resistance. Don't cramp its ability to do its job!

Some other good ideas include the inhaling of the essence of essential oils. This offers much appreciated relief. Pour yourself a steaming hot sink of water and mix in the ingredients. Then you can drape a towel over your head. This allows you to capture the full effects of the essences. Breathe it in deeply. Here are some good options to go with for mixing into your steaming hot sink of water: add a couple teaspoons of freshly chopped ginger, eucalyptus or menthol. As you'd like to know which one works best for you, it is wise to try each one separately, taking note of the affects you experience.

vitamins can really be helpful, too. Take both A and C. Micellized A is best and the C should be food sourced, which is much more potent than the ascorbic acid sort (so you don't have to take as much, of course). Also vitamin D3 can be good, but better if you can get it through regular exposure to sunlight. Admittedly, this isn't always possible during flu season, but, if it is, it's the way to go.

And don't forget about drinking warm liquids. They are very soothing. Keep away of course from coffee and mulled wine. Tea is highly recommended. Green tea in particular demonstrates some effectiveness in reducing down time with the flu.

We hope this bunch of classic remedies help do the trick for you. Being classics doesn't make them any less effective, just tested by time. These are good places to start in figuring out how to get rid of the flu fast.

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