jeudi 27 mars 2014

Fire Safety For The Home

By Jed Veal

There are some things that people tend to neglect because they don't seem like pressing issues at the time. Unfortunately, some of those potential problems that seem like they have little chance of actually becoming a reality can actually have disastrous consequences if the proper precautions were not taken. Fire safety is often one of those issues, and while it is not the most appealing topic to discuss, it could very well save the lives of you and your family.

Far too many people die every year in accidental fires. Many of these deaths would have been avoidable with some forethought and planning. Creating a route for fire escape in the home that everyone knows is one of the best ways to give your family some preparedness if a fire ever does start in your home. You can hold a family meeting to plan and familiarize everyone with it. A route from every room should be planned, especially the ones that see the most activity (e.g. bedrooms, entertainment areas). Note each piece of furniture and potential tripping or blocking hazard, and formulate a way around them. Once the route is set, try to keep the areas uncluttered. Make sure that everyone is well-acquainted with the route. It's a good idea to practice it several times to commit it to memory. If you have a multi-story home, it might a good idea to install ladders outside the windows, or at least have some portable rope ladders that can be dropped down quickly. Have a nearby meeting place that everyone knows to go to after escaping.

While looking over your home's fire-safety rating, you may consider have sprinklers put in. While water damage can be an issue, it's far easier to repair and deal with than a home that's burned to husk. Often times, lives and property end up being saved by fire sprinklers. Some new homes come pre-equipped with them, and if not, they are rather simple and relatively inexpensive to installed or retrofitted. Tied to the home's water system, they can be an invaluable asset in keeping your family safe from fires. Most manufacturers offer sprinkler systems for homes that won't look out of place with the decorating scheme.

You can use the aroma and atmospheric light from a candle to set a mood, but if left unchecked, the open flame of a candle could easily be responsible for burning down a home. A candle should not be left unattended or placed where they can be knocked. Make sure pets and kids won't be able to get a hold of them. The wick should be only about a centimeter long.

Every home should have a fire extinguisher that's easily accessible from any area of the house. With that, small fires can easily be dealt with before they become more serious. Placing one on each floor is a good idea. Hallways in the middle of the house might be a good place, as would the kitchen, where there's more potential for fires from appliances.

Chemicals in cleaning products could be flammable as well as toxic, so keep them where children and animals won't be able to reach them. Check the product labels to be sure they're being stored in proper conditions.

Proper fire safety takes some time and effort, but implementing the proper precautions is essential to ensuring the safety of your family. It can also result in lowered insurance rates.

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